In addition to the products in our catalogue, AIRBANK supports the design and production of products designed on the specific needs of the customer.
AIRBANK manages the process is with flexibility and professionalism. It is divided into three main phases:
- Survey at the Customers’ site for the Criticality Analysis
- Details design to develop the best product
- Final test verify the compliance with the customer requirements
Here some examples of special products developed by AIRBANK:
Oblique spill sump realization
Containment booms for mini hydro turbine protection
Polyethylene Containment booms for flooding protection
Flexible tanks for non-drinking water containment, with quick fasteners and inspection ports, for emergencies
Ready to use Oil-Skimmer with roller and control panel
Space-saving, semi rigid containment barriers
Unsinkable, semi rigid containment barriers
Insulated Container REI/EI 120: fire protection doors and Atex illumination
Insulated Container REI/EI 120 for paints storage with air conditioned
Steel container for gas cylinder storage